Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Best supplements for eczema: Three natural remedies found to reduce inflammation

BEST supplements for eczema: Eczema is a condition that causes a person’s skin to become itchy, dry, sore and cracked. But while doctors recommend every day moisturisers and steroid creams, these don’t always work for everyone. Here are three alternative remedies proven to reduce eczema inflammation.

Reporting from https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1117914/best-supplements-eczema-treatment-turmeric-quercetin-omega-3

What to Know About Postpartum Exercise

Fourth Trimester: 12 Weeks Postpartum

Respect your body’s recovery time, see a women’s-health physical therapist, and gently ease back into a fitness routine.

In 2018 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) revised its recommendations for postpartum care, reinforcing the importance of the so-called fourth trimester.

ACOG now recommends that all women see their ob-gyn or midwife within three weeks after the baby’s birth, receive ongoing care as needed, and follow up with another visit within 12 weeks. This can help identify and address recovery issues.

Childbirth, whether by vaginal delivery or C-section, presents a major challenge for the body: The pelvic floor and abdominal wall may be stretched, weakened, or damaged, and the pelvis may fracture or become misaligned.

With this in mind, weight loss or “getting your body back” ought to be the last thought on your mind. Movement can be a powerful healing tool during the fourth trimester — if you consider it just that.

“The point of postpartum exercising is taking care of yourself — physically, mentally, and emotionally,” says Mundell. “Ask yourself, ‘Am I able to do activities of daily life in a way that my body is able to support?’ That is the most appropriate mindset during the fourth trimester.”

Taking the first postpartum week to completely rest allows your body to undergo its natural healing process. “It’s important to prioritize sleep, make sure you’re eating enough and staying properly hydrated, and not trying to push through,” explains Winters.

Depending on your type of delivery, you can then try gentle movements and breath work to help yourself reconnect with your core muscles, says Plasencia, who recommends seeing a pelvic-floor specialist or women’s-health PT before ramping up workouts. “If you can see a PT early on, you can get back on track so much faster.”

In addition, a PT can examine bones, joints, and muscles around your pelvis and address imbalances. If you’ve had a C-section, your PT might do scar-tissue mobilization after six weeks to prevent adhesions.

If you’re cleared for strength training during the weeks after delivery, focus on rehab, with an emphasis on reconnecting to the core during movement and restoring alignment. No single exercise will heal diastasis recti, mend pelvic-floor muscles, or restore core strength. Results come from consistently applying good strategy, gradually increasing load, and willingly adjusting your regimen if concerns arise.

“You’re not picking up where you left off third trimester or before pregnancy,” says Battles. “Remind yourself that this is all temporary and that you have the rest of your life to get back into fitness.”

Exercises to Try

Heel Slides: This exercise helps you reconnect to your deep core muscles and strengthen your posterior chain.

Heel slides illustrationIllustration: James Carey
  • Place a pillow under your head and shoulders, lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor, and maintain a neutral spine.
  • Bring your right knee to a tabletop position, just over your hips. Inhale, letting your rib cage expand and your belly stay soft.
  • Exhale and lift your pelvic floor, as though trying to stop the flow of urine. Continuing to exhale and stay engaged, extend your right heel until it hovers above the ground and then return your leg to tabletop. Inhale and relax at the top.
  • Perform six reps, then switch sides.

Glute Bridge With Ball Squeeze:
 This move will strengthen your glutes and hips, including your side-butt, which will protect your pelvis and lower back. It can also help strengthen your pelvic-floor muscles as you heal postpartum.

Glute bridge lift with ball squeezeIllustration: James Carey
  • Lie on your back with knees bent and place a squishy ball or other soft object between your knees. Exhale, then press your feet into the ground to lift your hips, maintaining a neutral spine. Inhale and relax your abdomen and pelvic floor muscles.
  • Staying in a bridge position, exhale and lift your pelvic floor as you squeeze the ball between your knees. Then gently relax your pelvic floor as you inhale, still in a bridge position with the ball secure.
  • Perform 10 to 12 reps.

Pec-and-Shoulder Release:
This stretch helps release the tension in the front of the body that many new moms have due to holding a baby for so many hours of the day. .

Pec and shoulder releaseIllustration: James Carey
  • Place a folded blanket or towel on one end of a foam roller and lie on your back lengthwise, using the blanket as a bolster for your head.
  • Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the ground. Maintain a neutral spine.
  • Bring your arms to your sides in a field-goal position.
  • Stay there for at least one minute and allow gravity to release the tension in your upper body.

This originally appeared as “Fit for Two” in the April 2019 print issue of Experience Life.

Excerpt from https://experiencelife.com/article/what-to-know-about-postpartum-exercise/

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Best supplements for eczema: Applying this plant-based oil to skin could help it repair

BEST supplements for eczema: When it comes to eczema, experts often recommend special moisturisers, creams and ointments to relieve symptoms. But these don’t work for everybody. An alternative treatment could be found in a plant-based oil, native to the desert regions of northern America.

Reporting from https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1115882/best-supplements-eczema-treatment-jojoba-oil

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Eczema: Applying this sweet food spread to the skin may reduce itchy eczema symptoms

ECZEMA can leave the skin feeling itchy, dry and sore, and sometimes flare-ups can be hard to control. As more and more people are looking at natural remedies to treat symptoms, some experts recommend a particular sweet food spread.

Reporting from https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1115393/eczema-cream-skin-treatment-atopic-dermatitis-itchy-dry-honey

Monday, April 15, 2019

Eczema: The popular spice which may help to reduce itchy eczema symptoms

ECZEMA is typically treated with medicated creams and ointments, but more and more people are turning to natural remedies to soothe the itchy symptoms. One spice which may help to soothe eczema symptoms is turmeric.

Reporting from https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1114547/eczema-cream-rash-atopic-dermatitis-itch-dry-skin-inflammation-turmeric

Five Wellness Trends to Embrace This Summer

Wellness can often feel like an all-or-nothing pursuit — like if you don’t have time to do it all perfectly, you might as well not bother with anything at all. But even small, simple changes can drastically improve your health. Get started with one of these current wellness tips.

1. Practice Mindfulness

Meditation is a powerful tool to build awareness, ease stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation in your body. As with all new habits, it will take some time for you to adjust to a meditation practice, so it’s important that you maintain a consistent routine until it becomes second nature. It doesn’t have to take up a significant portion of your day; start by setting aside five or 10 minutes. (For more meditation tips, see “How to Begin a Daily Meditation Practice.”)


  • Meditate first thing in the morning to completely change the way you start your day. Instead of frantically rushing out the door, take some time to tune in to your inner self and set your goals for the day.
  • Mornings not great for you? Experiment with an evening meditation as a pre-bedtime ritual. Set aside your electronic devices and spend a few minutes focusing on your breath. Over time, your practice will prepare your body for a good night’s sleep.

2. Embrace Natural Beauty

Ditch the mainstream personal-care products, many of which contain harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances. These days, there are more safe and natural solutions on the market to help you transform your beauty regimen into a green routine. In the long run, it will benefit your health and the environment, too. (For more on the health risks of synthetic fragrances, see “The Problem With Perfume.”)


  • Read labels. When reading ingredients labels — for food or personal-care products — a good rule of thumb is “Less is more”: Look for beauty products with few ingredients, especially natural ones you recognize, like coconut oil. Avoid phthalates and parabens whenever you can.

Consider DIY solutions. There are many natural versions of cleansers, moisturizers, and more. You can easily make your own lip gloss by mixing melted beeswax, castor oil, sesame oil, and a little bit of beet juice. You can also use plain, full-fat yogurt as a cleanser or facial mask. (For more recipes and suggestions, see “DIY Beauty.”)

3. Eat Clean 

It can be hard to eat healthy all the time, especially if you’re always on the go. But with careful planning, you can eat well wherever you are. This summer will bring some promising food trends that will satisfy your appetite and help you maintain your health priorities. (For more on trends in the food industry, see “A Culinary Trend-Watcher’s Guide to the New Year.”)


  • Golden turmeric milk is a popular beverage among health-minded folks, and its health-boosting properties may mean it has some staying power. It contains anti-inflammatory turmeric and curcumin, which are also believed to improve brain function and lower the risk of heart disease. Make golden turmeric milk your go-to drink for the summer to reap the benefits.
  • Vegans, vegetarians, and meat-eaters alike can look forward to even more plant-based meats — especially those made without gluten and soy — which are expected to hit shelves hard this year. Many plant-based alternatives look, taste, and cook just like meat, so you can reduce your meat consumption without neglecting your cravings.

4. Try Minimalist Packing

Planning a summer getaway? It doesn’t have to mean a two-week vacation to a foreign country; maybe you’re looking forward to a fun day trip with friends. Whether you choose a nature hike, a beachside picnic, or a bike ride, be prepared with a few travel essentials — but don’t overdo it. (For more tips on carrying your gear, see “How to Pack a Backpack.”)


  • The key to minimalist packing is to focus on only the things you need. For example, don’t skimp on sun protection. Bring a hat and a mineral-based sunscreen — and reapply often. (For advice on finding a safe and effective sunscreen, see “Which Sunscreen Is Right for You?”.)
  • Also, stay hydrated. Bottled water is expensive and wasteful, so invest in a good reusable bottle that you can take with you anywhere you go. (To learn more about why to kick the bottled-water habit, see “Truth on Tap.”)

5. Create a Home Sanctuary

Your home is your safe haven. It’s where you go to unwind, relax, and enjoy time alone — but if your space isn’t welcoming and functional, de-stressing will be that much harder. Make your space work for you by clearing away any clutter. If your desk is smothered in loose papers, file them. If your living room is scattered with throws, fold them and put them away. (For more on how your home mirrors your mental state, see “The Emotional Toll of Clutter.”)


  • If possible, create a happy spot in your home that’s only for you. It can be a quiet space in your bedroom, or a reading chair in your living area. You can even set up a meditation corner for those times you need an escape and time to reflect.
  • Add a comforting scent to your home by diffusing essential oils or lighting a candle. You can make a home instantly cozier with a familiar scent from your childhood or one that is calming, like lavender or vanilla. (For more on choosing your essential oils, see “What You Need to Know About Essential Oils.”)

Excerpt from https://experiencelife.com/article/five-wellness-trends-to-embrace-this-summer/

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Eczema treatment: Baby who hurt to be cuddled cleared skin condition using this cream

ECZEMA is a condiiton that causes skin to become itchy, dry and inflammed, and for one baby the condition stopped him from being able to crawl. He finally found relief for the skin condition in a high street cream.

Reporting from https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1112428/eczema-cream-baby-treatment-rash-on-face-skin-salvation